Alex's Blog

I love writing articles and tutorials about Vue, JS, PWA and Web Performance

Quick Content Testing using Snapshots in Vue.js

Style inner elements in scoped CSS using /deep/ selector in Vue.js

The importance of scoped CSS in Vue.js

Geolocated currency with MaxMind

Debugging Templates in Vue.js

Simple transition effect between pages and layouts in Nuxt.js

Lazy load images with v-lazy-image

Dynamic Imports in Vue.js for better performance

Testing logic inside a Vue.js watcher

Redirect 404 Not Found in Nuxt.js

Run watchers when a Vue.js component is created

Simple and performant functional Vue.js components

Listen to lifecycle hooks on third-party Vue.js components

The power of Snapshot Testing in Vue.js

Two less known facts about Vuex

Create an ImageSelect component on top of vue-multiselect

Creating a Store without Vuex in Vue.js 2.6

Adaptive components using v-bind and v-on

New v-slot directive in Vue.js 2.6.0

Remove unused CSS with PurgeCSS

Measure runtime performance in Vue.js apps

Improve performance on large lists in Vue.js


1 year organising Alicante Frontend

Here are my insights about organising Alicante Frontend's meetup after a year.

My tips to be a happier developer

Learn a few tips to be a happier and better developer and be a better team player

Enhance Jest configuration with Module Aliases

Learn how to use Module Aliases Jest configuration to avoid using relative paths

Test Vue.js Slots in Jest

Learn how to test content distributed using slots and named slots.

Test Methods and Mock Dependencies in Vue.js with Jest

Learn how to test methods and cope with mocking module dependencies.

Test Computed Properties and Watchers in Vue.js Components with Jest

Learn about testing the Computed Properties and Watchers reactivity in Vue.js

Test Properties and Custom Events in Vue.js Components with Jest

Learn different ways to test properties, events and custom events

Test Styles and Structure of Vue.js Components in Jest

vue-test-utils provide us with a set of utilities to assert on Vue.js components.

Test Deeply Rendered Vue.js Components in Jest

Let's see how to use vue-test-utils to test a fully rendered component tree.

Write the first Vue.js Component Unit Test in Jest

Learn how to write unit tests for VueJS components with the official tools and the Jest framework.

Apply infinite operations to an RxJS Observable

Learn how easy is to apply a set of operations to a RxJS Observable in JavaScript

How I made a Progressive Web App out of my Blog

One day I wanted to learn about PWA (Progressive Web App), so I though: What's better than doing it with my own blog?

Lazy Loading in Vue using Webpack's Code Splitting

When a Vue app gets large, lazy loading components, routes or Vuex modules using Webpack's code splitting will boost it by loading pieces of code only when needed.

Integrate TypeScript in your Vue project

A step by step guide on how to use TypeScript in your Vue project in an approachable and pragmatic way.

Use Prettier with TSLint and be happy

Prettier support for TypeScript just landed. Let's see how tslint-config-prettier helps to seamlessly combine it with TSLint

TypeScript Lookup Types: type-safe properties

Typescript 2.1 introduced lookup types. What are they for? In which cases are they useful?

Apollo, GraphQL, Vue and Nuxt shenanigans!

What could go wrong by building a hackaton project with Apollo, GraphQL, Vue and Nuxt?

Tree shaking with Webpack 2, TypeScript and Babel

We'll see here how to setup Webpack 2, along with TypeScript and Babel to achieve dead code elimination with tree-shaking
Alex Jover Morales © 2018